What impact do your sales meetings really have?
By Suzanne Burgess
Most sales managers agree that their weekly sales meeting sets the tone for the week ahead, so perhaps there is something that is influencing your sales team’s state of sales mind – either positively or negatively.
How do you feel about your sales meetings? Are they generally positive and upbeat? Do you use the meeting as an opportunity to solve problems and recognise success, or is the meeting attended somewhat reluctantly, knowing it’s just going to be another ‘beating’? Is there someone who often swoops in and destroys the little enthusiasm there is – in one sentence – or is there someone who swoops in to encourage and energise everyone?
The primary benefit of a sales meeting should be that both the sales manager and salespeople have time allocated where they can BOTH pull themselves away from the daily whirlwind to focus on what’s going well, what needs help and what plans need re-assessing. They also need the opportunity to just talk openly about anything business-related. These are things that just can’t happen when you’re running around during the week and they are imperative to running a successful organisation.