Curb the “burnout” and get excited about work again
The energy and passion for your work is just not the same anymore. Everything in your working environment frustrates you and you begin to question what you’re doing here. Sounds familiar? You may be experiencing what is termed as a burnout. This particularly impacts production negatively, but fortunately, there are ways to turn things around.
Take a break and refocus
Create distance between your feelings of burnout and your need to rebuild. Start with changing your regular routine. When you grab lunch or take a snack break, use that time to catch your breath, close your eyes, and visualise making a change. Mental shifts focussed on your end goals help to prepare you for future planning.
Surround yourself with a positivity
Nothing is worse than feeling like you’re all alone dealing with the stress and anxiety of career burnout. That’s why it’s important to orient yourself towards people who can help you, either with tips and advice to get you back on track, or to remind you of your worth. Look for mentors; tap your external professional network as well as your informal company network. Get with people who are excited, successful, and winning. Enough time with this group of people will positively influence your ability to get control of how to deal with your blockers.
Create realistic goals
Aim for small victories. You can then prioritize small efforts that show progress in the direction you want to go. Be patient and slowly regain your drive and passion to meet objectives you and only you want to achieve.
Do not let environmental factors discourage you
Keeping your morale high is an important part of designing the next steps in your career future. Remember that it’s ok to fail a bit as you gather your confidence, as long as you appreciate the changes you are making.
No career or job is perfect, and there will always be challenges to face. It’s perfectly normal to re-evaluate where you are in your professional life. The more open-minded you are, the easier it will be to find people and things that help revitalize your point-of-view towards your job or career.