Implementing CRM to shed more light.
By Dolan Govender.
I was speaking with a friend at a birthday party recently and when I asked him how business was going he said pretty well and mentioned that he had been studying towards a commerce degree via correspondence. When I asked him if he was implementing anything in his business from what he was learning he said “Oh yes, and you won’t believe what a difference it made to the productivity of my business since it had a direct impact on my bottom line”. I was very excited to hear this story and asked him what he did and he said he had learnt something from his HR module and implemented it the next day since he owns a clothing manufacturing factory. What he had simply done was replace the bulbs where the workers sit with brighter ones and this had led to his staff being more productive. Then I thought to myself, this is exactly why companies implement a CRM system like Maximizer as it also sheds more light on all their staff’s business activities, whether they are admin staff, customer service staff, sales staff or top management – everything just looks brighter and this increases the bottom line. If we can change our environment by giving our staff the right tools it creates a great atmosphere for employees to perform at their optimum level.